Not sure about you, but on the odd occasion I get a twinge in my body or wake up having had a bad night’s sleep because of a sore back and I think “I wonder what caused that?”. It might have been that I lifted something a bit heavy a few days ago, or I’d been sitting at my desk too long, but I can’t be sure…so I don’t change anything about the way I do things. It doesn’t take too long before my body is finding it a bit harder to do things, because I’m achy or tired.
Then a few days or weeks later I get the same twinge…and the cycle repeats itself. Something I’m doing is causing the twinge, but I don’t know what, so I carry on.
Now think of your IT infrastructure as the muscles and joints in the body of your business. If all the systems in that infrastructure aren’t working together as effectively as they could, that’s going to cause a twinge and a hit on your company’s performance. A blip. A knock to the expected outcome and degree of success.
These twinges aren’t uncommon, but very often there is little understanding of what’s caused the twinge.
Well, in our experience, the lack of centralised technology decision making through an optimised IT Operating Model is the overall cause, because without this, department heads are using their own OpEx to purchase the solution they want on subscription, without little consideration of what would be best for the collective performance for all to get the best results for the business.
For me, I decided the best thing for my body was for me to get to a chiropractor on a regular basis and have a whole-body approach to exercise and diet.
In your company’s case, you need to bring your IT team into the tech selection conversations so they can oversee the whole infrastructure and guide decisions that will be in the best interest of the business.
This is just part of the IT Operating Model evolution you should be looking at, more of which you can find out in our latest paper – “Operating model lessons from F1 for the Covid-19 generation”.