1.86 seconds. That’s how fast Max Verstappen’s pit stop was at the 2020 Russian F1 Grand Prix.
(all rights Formula One World Championship Limited)
In a sport where fractions of a second make the difference between staying ahead of the competition or falling behind, huge amounts of time are focused on making sure the pit crew can consistently get the job done in under 2 seconds.
To reach this level of rapid turnaround time after time, the team of around 23, each with their own specific job to do, practice together around ten thousand times before the season starts.
F1 teams do this because the milliseconds make the difference.
Thinking of your business operations and how time efficiency impacts negatively or positively depending on how well you have a handle on it, is your IT Operating Model optimised to help your organisation compete with the best of them, or are you lagging behind with relatively slow processes and transactions of data?
Whether you’re a financial services firm that needs transactions to be as rapid as possible, or an ecommerce operation needing customer interactions data in real-time, most businesses will have areas of their process where trimming the seconds and minutes delivers multiplied efficiency benefits.
The ability to actually do this comes from a true understanding of what needs to be done with your processes and identifying the best technology to deliver the gains across your organisation.
This is a prime example of why an effective IT Operating Model is essential if you really want to put your business in pole positions. With all functional departments working as one under the expert leadership of your IT team, a synchronised approach that delivers the maximum return from your tech investments can be achieved.
Does this sound like something you want or need to explore? Pick up the phone and find out how Transforming IT can help you deliver IT Operating Model excellence.
You can also download our insight guide if you want to read more: https://transformingit.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Operating-model-lessons-from-F1-for-the-Covid-19-generation.pdf